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Camponotus siamensis Jaitrong & Jeenthong, 2022 valid
Camponotus siamensis Jaitrong & Jeenthong, 2022: 34, fig. 1A-F (s.w.) THAILAND. Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype minor worker. Primary type locality: Thailand: NE Thailand, Mukdahan Province, Chamcha-I District, Cheang Chang Niam Village, mixed deciduous forest (MDF),, WJT07-TH-1075 (W. Jaitrong). Primary type depository: THNHM. Primary type specimen: THNHM-I-24794. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 9 paratype minor workers, 3 paratype major workers. Secondary type locality: 7 paratype minor workers, 3 paratype major workers with same data as holotype; 2 paratype minor workers NE Thailand, Mukdahan Province, Chamcha-I District, Kheang [Cheang] Chang Niam Village, dry evergreen forest (DEF), 4.ix.2007 (W. Jaitrong). Secondary type depository: THNHM. Secondary type specimens: minor workers: THNHM-I-24795 to THNHM-I-24801, THNHM-I-24805, THNHM-I-24806; major workers: THNHM-I-24802, THNHM-I-24803, THNHM-I-24804