Carebara zengchengensis (Zhou et al., 2006) valid
Pheidologeton zengchengensis Zhou et al., 2006: 871, figs. 1, 2 (s.w.) CHINA (Guangdong). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Type-material: holotype major worker. Type-locality: China: Guangdong Prov., Zengcheng, Taibai Slope, 26.ix.1984 (Z. Zhang). Type-depositories: GNUC, ZUGC. Secondary type information: Paratype-material: 14 paratype media workers, 7 paratype minor workers. Paratype-locality: China: Guangdong Prov., Qingxin County, Taihe Ancient Cave, 25.viii.2005 (S. Zhao). Type notes: Depository of the holotype is not specified.
Obsolete combinations