Stigmatomma pallipes (Haldeman, 1844) valid
Typhlopone pallipes Haldeman, 1844: 54 (w.) U.S.A. Nearctic.
Primary type information: Type-material: syntype (?) workers. Type-locality: U.S.A.: (no further data; the only information supplied is “found in old stumps in June”). Type-depository: unknown (no type-material known to exist). Type notes: 1) No indication of number of specimens is given. 2) Creighton, 1940b: 4, comments that he examined two ‘autotypes’ that had been sent by Haldeman to Harris, which were deposited in the Boston Society of Natural History (now MSBM). While not syntypes, these were probably specimens collected and identified by Haldeman himself.
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations

Extant: 0 valid subspecies (4 synonyms, 1 obsolete combination)