Ireneopone gibber Donisthorpe, 1946 an obsolete combination of Nesomyrmex gibber (Donisthorpe, 1946)
Ireneopone gibber Donisthorpe, 1946h: 242, figs. 1, 2 (w.) MAURITIUS. Malagasy.
Primary type information: Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Mauritius: Calebasses MT, 22.x.1944, no. 72 (R. Mamet). Type-depository: BMNH. Type-specimen: CASENT0102303. Secondary type information: Paratype-material: 2 paratype workers. Paratype-localities: 1 paratype worker with same data as holotype but no. 82, 1 paratype worker Mauritius: Le Pouce Mt, 7.xii.1940 (J. Vinson). Paratype-depository: BMNH.