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Rhopalomastix Forel, 1900 valid feminine
Rhopalomastix Forel, 1900a: 24 Type-species: Rhopalomastix rothneyi, by monotypy.
Genus Rhopalomastix catalogues

Emery, 1922c: 118; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 111 (Asia); Taylor & Brown, 1985: 86 (Australia); Taylor, 1987a: 66 (Australia); Bolton, 1995b: 377.

Genus Rhopalomastix references

Forel, 1911c: 216 (diagnosis); Emery, 1922c: 118 (diagnosis); Wheeler, 1929e: 95 (review of genus); Bolton, 1994: 105 (synoptic classification); Bolton, 1995a: 1052 (census); Xu, 1999a: 130 (China species key); Shattuck, 1999: 161 (Australia synopsis); Eguchi et al., 2011: 27 (diagnosis, Vietnam synopsis); Cantone, 2017: 232 (brief male diagnosis); Wang et al., 2018: 308 (Southeast Asia species key); Wang et al., 2021: 120 (Thailand genus revision), 122 (Thailand species key); Wang & Yamada, 2023: 1 (Rhopalomastix javana complex).


Extant: 14 valid species

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