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AntCatBot edited the history item #263479 belonging to Bothroponera kenyensis (Bothroponera kenyensis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263449 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) ingesta (Mesoponera ingesta)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263436 belonging to Ophthalmopone ilgii (Ophthalmopone ilgii)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263423 belonging to Wadeura haskinsi (Wadeura haskinsi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263412 belonging to Wadeura guianensis (Wadeura guianensis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263408 belonging to Ponera grandis (Euponera grandis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263401 belonging to Neoponera (Eumecopone) goyana (Neoponera goyana)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263398 belonging to Neoponera goeldii (Neoponera goeldii)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263396 belonging to Hagensia havilandi r. godfreyi (Hagensia havilandi godfreyi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263393 belonging to Euponera (Brachyponera) jerdoni var. glabricollis (Brachyponera jerdonii glabricollis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263389 belonging to Neoponera carinulata subsp. gibbinota (Neoponera carinulata gibbinota)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263381 belonging to Bothroponera pachyderma var. funerea (Bothroponera pachyderma funerea)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263365 belonging to Euponera (Hagensia) havilandi var. fochi (Hagensia havilandi fochi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263364 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) flavopilosa (Mesoponera flavopilosa)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263349 belonging to Neoponera emiliae (Neoponera emiliae)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263346 belonging to Mesoponera eleonorae (Neoponera eleonorae)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263335 belonging to Ophthalmopone depilis (Ophthalmopone depilis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263332 belonging to Bothroponera denticulata (Pseudoneoponera denticulata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263328 belonging to Paltothyreus tarsatus var. delagoensis (Paltothyreus tarsatus delagoensis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263327 belonging to Euponera (Brachyponera) sennaarensis var. decolor (Brachyponera sennaarensis decolor)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263305 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) crawleyi (Ponerites crawleyi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263303 belonging to Bothroponera crassa var. crassior (Bothroponera crassior)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263292 belonging to Euponera (Brachyponera) luteipes var. continentalis (Brachyponera luteipes continentalis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263271 belonging to Ectomomyrmex claudatus (Ectomomyrmex claudatus)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263262 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) christmasi (Brachyponera christmasi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263254 belonging to Neoponera (Neoponera) cavinodis (Neoponera cavinodis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263225 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) caffraria var. caffra (Mesoponera caffraria caffra)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263223 belonging to Pseudoponera butteli (Leptogenys butteli)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263198 belonging to Ophthalmopone berthoudi (Ophthalmopone berthoudi)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #263178 belonging to Bothroponera laevissima var. aspera (Bothroponera aspera)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago