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AntCatBot edited the history item #287276 belonging to Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) cribrata (Bothroponera cribrata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287272 belonging to Ponera constricta (Mayaponera constricta)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287268 belonging to Ponera commutata (Neoponera commutata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287264 belonging to Ponera cognata (Pseudoponera cognata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287261 belonging to Euponera (Trachymesopus) clarki (Austroponera clarki)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287260 belonging to Euponera (Mesoponera) chyzeri (Neoponera chyzeri)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287256 belonging to Ponera nigrita subsp. chinensis (Brachyponera chinensis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287253 belonging to Euponera (Trachymesopus) cauta (Pseudoponera cauta)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287251 belonging to Ponera castaneicolor (Austroponera castaneicolor)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287248 belonging to Bothroponera cariosa (Bothroponera cariosa)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287245 [deleted] belonging to Ponera carinulata (Neoponera carinulata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287241 belonging to Pachycondyla theresiae var. bugabensis (Neoponera bugabensis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287238 belonging to Leptogenys bucki (Neoponera bucki)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287236 belonging to Ponera (Bothroponera) insularis var. brevior (Pseudoneoponera insularis brevior)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287234 belonging to Pachycondyla carinulata r. azteca (Neoponera carinulata azteca)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287232 belonging to Ponera melanaria r. australis (Mesoponera australis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287228 belonging to Ponera stigma var. attrita (Pseudoponera stigma attrita)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287227 belonging to Euponera (Brachyponera) atrata (Brachyponera atrata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287222 belonging to Pachycondyla astuta (Ectomomyrmex astutus)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287219 belonging to Pachycondyla (Bothroponera) asina (Bothroponera kruegeri asina)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287217 belonging to Euponera (Brachyponera) luteipes var. arcuata (Brachyponera arcuata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287216 belonging to Ponera apicalis (Ectomomyrmex apicalis)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287213 belonging to Ponera (Bothroponera) soror var. ancilla (Bothroponera ancilla)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287207 belonging to Ponera amblyops (Buniapone amblyops)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287201 belonging to Pachycondyla aenescens (Neoponera aenescens)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287198 [deleted] belonging to Ponera (Bothroponera) excavata var. acuticostata (Pseudoneoponera excavata acuticostata)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287196 belonging to Pachycondyla (Ectomomyrmex) acuta (Ectomomyrmex acutus)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287194 belonging to Pachycondyla (Ectomomyrmex) aciculatus (Ectomomyrmex aciculatus)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287171 belonging to Ponera pallida (Diacamma pallidum)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #287169 belonging to Euponera (Trachymesopus) holmgreni (Wadeura holmgreni)
Edit summary: Replace 'Author in ref ID' with nested references in history items [batch 1], see GitHub #1170
History uuid over 3 years ago