Wheeler, W. M. 1921d. Observations on army ants in British Guiana. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 56:291-328. PDF
Title Observations on army ants in British Guiana.
Pagination 291-328
Year 1921d
Date 1921-06
Type Article reference
Bolton key Wheeler W.M. 1921d
Journal Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Series/volume/issue 56
PDF link PDF
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Cheliomyrmecinae Wheeler, 1921d 319 Subfamily Synonym
Cheliomyrmecini Wheeler, 1921d 319 Tribe Obsolete combination
Cheliomyrmex megalonyx Wheeler, 1921d 322, figs. 5b, 9d-f, 10 Species Valid Original combination
Eciton angustinode emersoni Wheeler, 1921d 311 Subspecies Obsolete combination Original combination
Eciton coecum opacifrons Wheeler, 1921d 310 (in text) Subspecies Obsolete combination Original combination
Eciton pilosa beebei Wheeler, 1921d 312, fig. 7b Subspecies Obsolete combination Original combination
Eciton praedator guianense Wheeler, 1921d 311 (in text) Subspecies Obsolete combination Original combination
Labidus coecus opacifrons Wheeler, 1921d 310 (in text) Subspecies Synonym
Labidus praedator guianense Wheeler, 1921d 311 (in text) Subspecies Synonym
Neivamyrmex emersoni Wheeler, 1921d 311 Species Valid
Neivamyrmex pilosus beebei Wheeler, 1921d 312, fig. 7b Subspecies Synonym