Title Descriptions of some hymenopterous insects captured in India, with notes on their economy, by Ezra T. Downes, Esq., who presented them to the Honourable the East India Company.
Pagination 44-50
Year 1852
Date 1852-01
Type Article reference
Bolton key Smith 1852
Journal Annals and Magazine of Natural History
Series/volume/issue (2)9
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Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Pseudomyrmex testacea Smith, 1852 45 (footnote) Species Synonym
Sima (Tetraponera) Smith, 1852 44 Subgenus Obsolete combination
Tetraponera Smith, 1852 44 Genus Valid
Tetraponera (Tetraponera) Smith, 1852 44 Subgenus Obsolete combination
Tetraponera atrata Smith, 1852 44, 3 figs. Species Synonym Original combination
Tetraponera testacea Smith, 1852 45 (footnote) Species Obsolete combination Original combination