Title The authorship and first publication of the "Jurinean" genera of Hymenoptera: being a reprint of a long-lost work by Panzer, with a translation into English, an introduction, and bibliographical and critical notes.
Pagination 339-436
Year 1915
Date 1915-02-27
Type Article reference
Bolton key Morice Durrant 1915
Journal Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
Series/volume/issue 1914
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Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Acanthomyops (Donisthorpea) Morice & Durrant, 1915 423 Subgenus Obsolete combination
Donisthorpea Morice & Durrant, 1915 423 Genus Synonym
Formicina (Donisthorpea) Morice & Durrant, 1915 423 Subgenus Obsolete combination
Lasius (Donisthorpea) Morice & Durrant, 1915 423 Subgenus Obsolete combination