Protonym: Monomorium (Mitara) exiguum var. bulawayensis
Authorship Forel, 1913k: 217
Forms w.
Bioregion Afrotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Heterick, 2006: 116). Primary type locality: lectotype Zimbabwe (“Rhodesia”): Bulawayo, 20.vii.1913, no. 179 (G. Arnold). Primary type depository: MHNG. Primary type specimen: lectotype CASENT0010763.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 1 paralectotype worker. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: MHNG, NHMUK. Secondary type specimens: CASENT0010762, CASENT0902267.
Type notes Other original syntypes are deposited in MCZC.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Monomorium exiguum bulawayensis Subspecies Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Monomorium exiguum Forel, 1894
Original combination