References using this journal
Teranishi, C. 1930a. Ants of the Palaearctic part of Japan (1). [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 1:17-26. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1930b. On the discovery of Monomorium pharaonis Linnaeus in Osaka. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 1:77-78. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1931. Ants collected by Mr. K. Kobayashi on the island of Shikotan in the Southern Kuriles. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 2:28-29. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1932. A list of the ants of Sakhalin. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 3:49-54. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1933a. Japanese ants, their behavior and distribution (III). [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 4:77-80. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1933b. A list of ants found at the sand dune of Tottori. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 4:84-85. PDF
Teranishi, C. 1936a ("1935"). An ergatogyne of Pristomyrmex pungens Mayr. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 6:40. PDF
Yoshioka, H. 1939a. A list of the ants of Gumma Prefecture. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 8:64-69. PDF
Yoshioka, H. 1939b. A new ant of the genus Dolichoderus from Japan. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 8:70-71. PDF
Kôno, H.; Sugihara, Y. 1939. The ants of fir and pine forests in Japan. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 8:8-14. PDF
Higashi, M. 1939. The insect-fauna of the Tottori sand-dune. [In Japanese.]. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 8:25-46. PDF

Notes: Ants pp. 42-43.

Chujo, M. 1939. Ants of Sozan in Taihoku-Prefecture, Formosa. Transactions of the Kansai Entomological Society 8:3-5. PDF