This history item belongs to Leptothorax (Leptothorax) andrei Emery, 1895

Its current taxon owner(s) is Temnothorax andrei

Status as species: Wheeler, 1903d: 256; Wheeler, 1910a: 567; Wheeler, 1917a: 507; Emery, 1924f: 258; Creighton, 1950a: 263; Smith, 1951c: 817; Cole, 1958c: 537; Cole, 1966b: 17 (in key); Smith, 1967a: 358; Hunt & Snelling, 1975: 22; Yensen et al., 1977: 183; Smith, 1979: 1392; Snelling & George, 1979: 143; Allred, 1982: 483; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 52; MacKay et al., 1988: 90; Bolton, 1995b: 235; Mackay, 2000: 316 (redescription); Mackay & Mackay, 2002: 116; Bolton, 2003: 271; Ward, 2005: 15; Snelling et al., 2014: 37.

Status as species: {ref 129977}: 256; {ref 130044}: 567; {ref 130116}: 507; {ref 124769}: 258; {ref 123910}: 263; {ref 128824}: 817; {ref 123740}: 537; {ref 123744}: 17 (in key); {ref 128863}: 358; {ref 126032}: 22; {ref 130568}: 183; {ref 128659}: 1392; {ref 128905}: 143; {ref 122181}: 483; {ref 129925}: 52; {ref 127023}: 90; {ref 122860}: 235; {ref 131771}: 316 (redescription); {ref 131795}: 116; {ref 130789}: 271; {ref 132562}: 15; {ref 142543}: 37.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2019-05-17
  • Updated at: 2021-08-30
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Leptothorax andrei Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Temnothorax andrei (Emery, 1895)
Temnothorax andrei Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Leptothorax (Leptothorax) andrei
#271871 Cole, 1958c: 537 (q.m.)
#271872 Combination in Leptothorax (Myrafant): Smith, 1951c: 817.
#284382 Combination in Temnothorax: Bolton, 2003: 271.
#278130 (selected) Status as species: Wheeler, 1903d: 256; Wheeler, 1910a: 567; Wheeler, 1917a: 507; Emery, 1924f: 258; Creighton, 1950a: 263; Smith, 1951c: 817; Cole, 1958c: 537; Cole, 1966b: 17 (in key); Smith, 1967a: 358; Hunt & Snelling, 1975: 22; Yensen et al., 1977: 183; Smith, 1979: 1392; Snelling & George, 1979: 143; Allred, 1982: 483; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 52; MacKay et al., 1988: 90; Bolton, 1995b: 235; Mackay, 2000: 316 (redescription); Mackay & Mackay, 2002: 116; Bolton, 2003: 271; Ward, 2005: 15; Snelling et al., 2014: 37.
#278127 Senior synonym of Temnothorax nitens heathii: Ward, 2005: 15; Snelling et al., 2014: 37.
#278128 Senior synonym of Temnothorax nitens occidentalis: Ward, 2005: 15; Snelling et al., 2014: 38.
#278129 Senior synonym of Temnothorax ocellatus: Ward, 2005: 15; Snelling et al., 2014: 38.