Cyphomyrmex daguerrei vallensis Kusnezov, 1949 an obsolete combination of Mycetophylax vallensis (Kusnezov, 1949)
Cyphomyrmex daguerrei subsp. vallense Kusnezov, 1949d: 450, figs. 12-15 (w.) ARGENTINA (Tucumán). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: 7 syntype workers. Primary type locality: Argentina: Tucumán, Tafí del Valle, on raod to Santa María, ca 2000 m., no. 1315 (N. Kusnezov). Primary type depository: unknown (originally in IMLT). Type notes: Kempf, 1964d: 3 (note), 34, states that all type-material is lost.