Prionopelta concenta (Brown, 1974) valid
Concoctio concenta Brown, 1974e: 30, figs. 1-5 (w.q.) GABON. Afrotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Gabon: Plateau d’Ipassa, Makokou, 1966, berlesate (J.A. Barra). Primary type depository: MCZC. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 2 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen. Secondary type locality: Tanzania: Zanzibar I., 1949, in soil (R.I. Robb). Secondary type depository: BMNH. Type notes: The paratypes were collected by Rosemary I. Robb, who worked at the Zanzibar Clove Research Scheme.
Obsolete combinations