Title Une affection du caféier Robusta dans l'est du Cameroun: la "défoliation en mannequin d'osier".
Pagination 237-242
Year 1966
Date 1966-09
Type Article reference
Bolton key
Journal Café Cacao Thé
Series/volume/issue 10
PDF link
Public notes Description of Sphaerocrema dewasi (= Crematogaster wellmani), page 240.
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Crematogaster dewasi Bruneau de Miré, 1966 240, fig. Species Synonym
Sphaerocrema dewasi Bruneau de Miré, 1966 240, fig. Species Obsolete combination Original combination