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Gnamptogenys curvoclypeata Lattke, 1990 valid
Gnamptogenys curvoclypeata Lattke, 1990b: 9, figs. 7, 13 (w.) VENEZUELA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Venezuela: Estado Portuguesa, via Guanare-Biscucuy, Quebrada La Guata, 9°16’N, 65°56’W, 600 m., 21.viii.1983 (J. Lattke & J. DeMarmels). Primary type depository: MIZA. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 21 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: 19 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 2 paratype workers Venezuela: Estado Zulia, Serranía de Perija, El Tucuco, 9°41’N, 72°45’W, 450 m., 6.ix.1984 (J. Lattke). Secondary type depositories: BMNH, FSCG, LACM, MCZC, MIZA, MZSP. Secondary type specimens: CASENT0179996, CASENT0900554.